
The Cozy N Safe Comet i-Size 360° Rotation Car Seat




適用年齡:初生 至12歲

適用長度:40 – 150厘米


尺寸:56 x 47 x 58厘米

安全認證:符合歐盟 R129 (I-Size版)


固定方法:嬰兒模式 40-105cm面向後方安裝使用lSOFIX連接器和支撐腳架

幼兒模式 76-105cm 面向前方安裝使用lSOFIX連接器和支撐腳架

小童模式 100-150cm面向前方安裝使用lSOFIX連接器和安全帶

延長使用: 這個汽車座椅的設計是隨著您的孩子成長,從初生到12歲。憑藉其可調整的設計,它為您孩子的安全和舒適提供了長期且可靠的解決方案。專門設計的新生兒楔形墊確保即使是最小的旅行者也處於合適的位置。

多功能轉換: Comet i-Size汽車座椅提供多種座椅選項。它無縫地從延伸的面向後方安裝座椅(40-105公分)轉換為面向前向安裝座椅(76-150公分),並在您的孩子準備好時進一步轉變為高背安全座椅。這種靈活性適應您的孩子隨著成長的變化需求。

簡易安裝: 這款汽車座椅配有Isofix和支撐腳架,以及帶有安裝系統,使安裝變得輕而易舉。它與大多數汽車品牌和型號都兼容。清晰的指示標誌和指南提供了額外的協助,以確保正確和安全的安裝。

時尚舒適: Comet i-Size汽車座椅擁有柔軟觸感的竹纖維布料,具有排汗及透氣功能,在任何汽車內飾中都增添了一絲優雅。豪華的柔軟觸感內墊具有額外深的填充,以及經過縫製的胸部和扣環墊,增強了您孩子在旅途中的舒適度。所有套蓋都可以完全拆卸,並可以在30°C下洗淨,便於維護。

增強的安全特點: 該汽車座椅配備了5點式安全帶連肩墊和額外的側向撞擊保護,以確保您孩子的最大安全。耐用且通風的外殼提供堅固的保護,而18段可自由調校頭枕高度和3個斜躺位置(1個後向和3個前向)滿足您孩子的舒適需求。

The Cozy N Safe Comet i-Size 360° Rotation Car Seat is a remarkable car seat that seamlessly combines functionality and style. Designed with convenience in mind, this unique infant seat allows uninterrupted access to your child and offers a full 360° rotation feature, allowing you to effortlessly adjust the seat’s position with a simple pull of a lever.

Experience the wonder of the night sky with the Cozy N Safe Comet i-Size 360° Rotation Car Seat. Its innovative design, extended use capabilities, versatile conversions, easy installation, stylish appearance, and enhanced safety features make it the perfect choice for parents seeking a reliable and comfortable car seat for their child’s journey.


  • A versatile car seat that accommodates growing children from 0-12 years
  • A functional design that adds convenience and ease of use for the user
  • Easy transitions from rear-facing to forward-facing positions with 360° rotation
  • Enhanced safety features and multiple recline positions that offer a secure and comfortable environment for your child
  • A stylish, soft-touch outer fabric that adds elegance to any vehicle interior
  • Versatile Conversions: Rear-facing, forward-facing, and high-back booster use
  • Quick and easy Isofix installation with a support leg, as well as a belt fitting system
  • 5-point, self-adjusting harness, and a durable, ventilated shell for maximum safety
  • Three recline positions and an 18 headrest position for optimal comfort
  • 360° rotation allowing effortless adjustments
  • Plush, soft-touch inner cushions for added comfort
  • Fully removable covers that allow for easy cleaning and maintenance
  • Weight: 11.5kg
  • Dimensions: D67 W44 H54cm
  • Complies to ECE R129 i-Size Regulations
  • Fitting method:
    • 40-105cm rearwadr facing isofix+support leg
    • 76-105cm forward facing isofix+suppirt leg
    • 100-150cm forward facing isofix+ vehicle belt
    • 100-150cm forward facing vehicle belt